Spring Detox on the Mind

With spring comes a lot of focus on detoxes. While this can be a health marketing fad, if we choose to live in tune with the seasons the desire to detox in the spring is natural. For example, when looking to nature many of the foods that are in season in the spring support the organs of detoxification. This post is going to kick off a series of posts focused on the body’s innate process of detoxification, and this cannot be done without defining the word:

✨Emunctory ✨

An emunctory is “an organ or part of the body that carries off body wastes.” The body’s primary emunctories are the liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, intestines, and emotions. These systems have the inherent capability to detoxify and eliminate bodily waste. Why is this so important you ask? Proper waste elimination is vital to overall health, especially hormone health!

While there is no shame around wanting to focus on spring cleaning your health and life during this time of the year, there is no need to buy in to expensive programs or rigid cleanses. The emunctories function without us telling them to (thank goodness) and we can support them by actively decreasing the burden on them while providing these systems with the nutrients and environment needed to work their best. This can easily be done through simple shifts in our daily practices.

Next up in this series will be a post about supporting the liver, which is the ultimate organ of detoxification!


Nourishing the Liver through Diet


Phases of the Menstrual Cycle